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Model Saving

There are are multiple ways to save models.

Whenever a model is saved, two files are generated: pytorch_model.bin which contains the model weights, and config.json which is needed to load the model.

Assuming we have an aitextgen model ai:

Ad Hoc saving

The aitextgen model can be saved at any time using save.

Save to Google Drive

If you are using Google Colaboratory, you can mount your personal Google Drive to the notebook and save your models there.

Downloading models from Colab Notebooks

It's strongly recommended to move models to Google Drive before downloading them from Colaboratory.

First mount your Google Drive using mount_gdrive():

from aitextgen.colab import mount_gdrive, copy_file_to_gdrive

You'll be asked for an auth code; input it and press enter, and a My Drive folder will appear in Colab Files view.

You can drag and drop the model files into the Google Drive, or use copy_file_to_gdrive to copy them programmatically.


Saving During Training

By default, the train() function has save_every = 1000, which means the model will save every 1000 steps to the specified output_dir (trained_model by default). You can adjust as necessary.

Saving During Training in Google Colab

Concerned about timeouts in Google Colab? aitextgen has a feature that will copy models to your Google Drive periodically in case the instance gets killed!

As long as your drive is mounted as above, pass save_gdrive = True to the train() function:


This will save the model to the folder corresponding to the training run_id parameter (the datetime training was called, to prevent accidently overwriting).