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Training a GPT-2 Model From Scratch

The original GPT-2 model released by OpenAI was trained on English webpages linked to from Reddit, with a strong bias toward longform content (multiple paragraphs).

If that is not your use case, you may get a better generation quality and speed by training your own model and Tokenizer. Examples of good use cases:

  • Short-form content (e.g. Tweets, Reddit post titles)
  • Non-English Text
  • Heavily Encoded Text

It still will require a massive amount of training time (several hours) but will be more flexible.

Building a Custom Tokenizer.

The train_tokenizer() function from aitextgen.tokenizers trains the model on the specified text(s) on disk.

Vocabulary Size

The default vocabulary size for train_tokenizer() is 1,000 tokens. Although this is much lower than GPT-2's 50k vocab size, the smaller the vocab size, the easier it is to train the model (since it's more likely for the model to make a correct "guess"), and the model file size will be much smaller.

from aitextgen.tokenizers import train_tokenizer

This creates one file, aitextgen.tokenizer.json, which is needed to rebuild the tokenizer.

Building a Custom Dataset

You can build a TokenDataset based off your custom Tokenizer, to be fed into the model.

data = TokenDataset(file_name, vocab_file=vocab_file, merges_file=merges_file, block_size=32)

Building a Custom Config

Whenever you load a default 124M GPT-2 model, it uses a GPT2Config() under the hood. But you can create your own, with whatever parameters you want.

The build_gpt2_config() function from aitextgen.utils gives you more control.

config = build_gpt2_config(vocab_size=5000, max_length=32, dropout=0.0, n_embd=256, n_layer=8, n_head=8)

A few notes on the inputs:

  • vocab_size: Vocabulary size: this must match what you used to build the tokenizer!
  • max_length: Context window for the GPT-2 model: this must match the block_size used in the TokenDataset!
  • dropout: Dropout on various areas of the model to limit overfitting (you should likely keep at 0)
  • n_embd: The embedding size for each vocab token.
  • n_layers: Transformer layers
  • n_head: Transformer heads

Model Size

GPT-2 Model size is directly proportional to vocab_size * embeddings.

Training the Custom Model

You can instantiate an empty GPT-2 according to your custom config, and construct a custom tokenizer according to your vocab and merges file:

ai = aitextgen(tokenizer_file=tokenizer_file, config=config)

Training is done as normal.

ai.train(data, batch_size=16, num_steps=5000)

Reloading the Custom Model

You'll always need to provide the tokenizer_file and the folder containing the pytorch_model.bin and config.json.

ai = aitextgen(model_folder="trained_model", tokenizer_file="aitextgen.tokenizer.json")